Magical Tongue

Snake Snail

Tear Me

Hyein Lee

Magical Tongue, Snake Tail, and Tear Me planters by Hyein Lee.

More information from Hyein's blog:

"The first image is Magical Tongue. You can see this guy on University, North West of Dundas and University intersection. One block South of Mount Sinai hospital. I went to check the next day, and somebody already ripped out his tongue. ( ; o ; )/ Oh why! He was my favourite one, it kind of hurts. Thing about street art project is... it can be damaged pretty rapidly. So you have to plan for the graceful degradation (which I didn't... I was so inexperienced. I will plan those the next time).

Snake Snail can be found on University, North of Dundas, East side of the street. In front of Sick Kids hopital. The little dude on the front is a speech bubble. My intern told me it looks like a blow-fish. I kind of regret putting that strange speech bubble there. Now that I see it, it doesn't go well with the composition.

Tear Me is on the West side of University street, just North of Queen Street West. I forgot to put up its arms and remembered it just before I went home that evening. The sun was setting, so I didn't get a very good photo of it. It was cute with two arms!" →